Gloria, who is now 8 years old, was born prematurely at 7 months and suffered from frequent seizures that delayed her reaching developmental milestones on time. As a result of her condition, she had floppy muscles that made it difficult for her to sit upright or stand. In fact, she was only able to crawl at the age of 6 years old. To make matters worse, Gloria’s father abandoned the family when she was very young, leaving her mother to struggle to provide for Gloria and her siblings.

Fortunately, Gloria was brought to us when she was 4 years old and we immediately began her physiotherapy. This treatment showed positive results in strengthening her muscle tone, improving her neck strength, and increasing her hand function. Thanks to the physiotherapy, Gloria now has full sitting balance and is able to sit up on her own without any issues.

However, Gloria is still unable to stand or walk, which is a significant challenge for her. To support her needs, we have provided her with a wheelchair, walker, and CP chair, which have all helped to increase her mobility and independence. We have also provided her with a goat, as well as relief food, to help alleviate some of the financial burdens that her mother faces.

Gloria Receives her food

Currently, Gloria is under our school sponsorship program and is attending primary two. While her physical limitations still pose challenges, we are committed to supporting her in every way possible to ensure she has the best quality of life.

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