A Decade of Collaboration with the Peace Corps and the U.S. Embassy
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A Decade of Collaboration with the Peace Corps and the U.S. Embassy

Nearly a decade ago, YAWE Foundation forged a valuable partnership with the US Government, welcoming Peace Corps Volunteers into our fold. Over the years, this collaboration has blossomed, with four dedicated Volunteers contributing to transformative projects aimed at improving the lives of Uganda’s people. This enduring relationship recently garnered the attention of the United States…

Empowering Youth Through Grass Roots Soccer: A Successful Graduation Ceremony
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Empowering Youth Through Grass Roots Soccer: A Successful Graduation Ceremony

On Monday, 01/08/2023, a significant milestone was achieved as the inaugural cohort of Grass Roots Soccer celebrated their graduation ceremony. The team, aptly named “Team Healthy Living,” had diligently completed thirteen impactful sessions centered around vital topics such as HIV prevention, cultivating positive relationships, and understanding bodily changes. Throughout the program, participants were encouraged to…

YAWE’s Grass Roots Soccer Launch

YAWE’s Grass Roots Soccer Launch

In the last couple of weeks, Andre and other members of YAWE Foundation startedmeeting the students at Kahinju Primary School for sessions of Grass Roots Soccer (GRS). TheGRS curriculum is designed for community or school settings targeting kids through the ages of10-19. During this thirteen week program the students will learn about building healthyrelationships, goal…

Empowering Youth Through Sports and Culture at YAWE Foundation
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Empowering Youth Through Sports and Culture at YAWE Foundation

At YAWE Foundation, we are passionate about harnessing the transformative power of sports and culture to empower the youth. Recently, on May 22, 2021, we hosted an inspiring psychosocial Saturday event that exemplifies our commitment to creating positive change in the lives of young individuals. Belief in the Power of Girl Sports: At YAWE, we…