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A Decade of Collaboration with the Peace Corps and the U.S. Embassy

Nearly a decade ago, YAWE Foundation forged a valuable partnership with the US Government, welcoming Peace Corps Volunteers into our fold. Over the years, this collaboration has blossomed, with four dedicated Volunteers contributing to transformative projects aimed at improving the lives of Uganda’s people. This enduring relationship recently garnered the attention of the United States Ambassador to Uganda, who visited YAWE Foundation to witness the impact of our joint efforts.

The Ambassador’s Visit: A Celebration of Partnership:

The visit commenced with a warm welcome for the Ambassador, orchestrated by our Executive Director and key staff members. The KUSA Brass Band set the tone, playing the anthems of the United States, Uganda, and YAWE Foundation. The Youth Leader, Yasin, delivered a poignant speech, highlighting the crucial role played by the Brass Band in supporting Volunteer-led programs.

A Journey Through Impactful Initiatives: YAWE Foundation’s social programs took center stage during the visit. The Executive Director shared a brief history, emphasizing the collaborative strides made in the ongoing battle against HIV. The spotlight then turned to the impactful work of Peace Corps Volunteers, notably in Fort Portal and Kabarole Districts. The recently implemented Journeys Plus life skills curriculum in ten local schools, including our immediate neighbors at Kahinju Primary School, showcased the tangible outcomes of these efforts.

Empowering Through Knowledge:

Members of the Journeys Team and beneficiaries of Grass Roots Soccer demonstrated their acquired knowledge through a thoughtfully prepared poem, song, and skit. The skit, aligned with the Grass Roots Soccer handbook, exemplified crucial lessons, such as saying no to unsafe practices and reporting dangers to school authorities.

Ambassador Popp’s Closing Remarks: Before moving on to the Social Enterprise Center, Ambassador Popp delivered closing remarks, underlining the U.S. Government’s investment in the people of Uganda rather than large infrastructure projects. He recognized the key contributors to YAWE Foundation’s impactful work.

Hands-On Impact at the Social Enterprise Center:

The Embassy team then explored the Social Enterprise Center, witnessing firsthand the practical applications of our shared initiatives. This limited yet effective visit demonstrated how YAWE Foundation equips the youth of Fort Portal City with skills and tools for success.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Empowerment:

As we reflect on this momentous event, we are grateful for the opportunity to showcase the progress achieved thus far. Looking forward, a multitude of projects are on the horizon, as YAWE Foundation remains committed to supporting the youth and women of Fort Portal City.

Together, we celebrate a decade of collaboration, envisioning a future where empowerment and partnership continue to be the driving forces behind positive change.

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