Towards the end of last month (July), the clinic team received a vote of thanks from a woman who was a recent client. She will be referred to as a Bomeera.
Bomeera is an adult woman who was received and admitted in our clinic sometime back with complaints of recurrent fevers, generalized body aches and confusion. She sought treatment before in various health facilities but with a poor response. At the time of contact, she had significantly lost weight, was unable to eat, and developed a terrible running stomach. Most importantly she lost hope of ever getting well again.

The turning point

Bomeera’s explanation to the clinician obviously drew him to order some laboratory tests; including HIV test, despite Bomeera insisting that she had done several HIV tests even recently that turned negative.
Surprisingly all tests came out negative, with the exception of testing positive for HIV.
The clinician held a private talk with Bomeera and later learnt that had been previously diagnosed and initiated on ARVs about 2 years ago. She had been non complacent taking her medication! Upon further investigation we learned it was due to non disclosure. The clinician actively counseled the patient who gradually learned to embrace the information provided to her. After acceptance the clinician involved the patient’s daughter, who was unaware of her mother’s HIV status.
Due to the therapeutic communication style of the medical staff, the family was able to create a plan to manage the situation.
The clinician collaborated with the other members of the medical team and made an effective treatment plan. The patient was classified as being in stage three of HIV which requires close supervision.
With introduction of medicine the patient seemed to get sicker and sicker, a condition medics refer to as Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS). This worsened the situation as the little hope that was remaining started disappearing. Support from clinic staff and family encouraged the patient to persevere through the acute stages of the illness. After a few days the patient showed signs of improvement and was able to participate more in her own care. The medical team kept counseling the patient and family about all the strategies to live positively and healthy.


Bomeera accepted her status and accepted the fact that close family members must be involved in her support. This gave her peace of mind when taking the medication to suppress the virus and she longer feared being seen with the tablets.
After a week of close monitoring, she was discharged home with the knowledge necessary to live a healthier life.
Bomeera confidently told the team she will always adhere to the medical advice provided to her.


Bomeera’s life quality improved as the symptoms kept disappearing until she felt totally well, as all opportunistic infections were effectively treated.
Bomeera was able to return to work and receive and income to support her family. She continued treatment and latest test results showed a suppressed viral load.

Lessons learnt

Bomeera realized the importance of disclosure and self care
Also learned to advocate for herself to seek support when needed.
Impact; Bomeera’s new found energy and confidence enabled her to pursue her previously lost job and now contributes much to her family’s well being.
Also made her gain confidence to advocate for disclosure, positive living and self-care; this was vividly shown on her day of thanks giving.
Bomeera’s story represents stories of many of our clients, who have gained confidence and skills to cope up and live quality life through our psychosocial support programs.

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