
Martina Knapp: Three weeks of volunteer experience

Nsemeriirwe kuba hano. – “I am happy to be here.“ This is my favorite sentence which I have learned in Rutooro, the local language, as it reflects my thoughts throughout my whole stay at YAWE in Fort Portal, Uganda.

From the very beginning, I got the feeling to be a member of the „YAWE family“ already since a long time. Besides all the welcoming people around me, I have experienced so many heartfulfilling moments: on my home visits I got to know a lot of kind clients who, with the support of YAWE, were able to enhance their lifes. Medication for diseases, therapy in case of disabilities and the possibility to attend school are just some examples of how they got fostered to live a better life. On my outreaches I was once part of a team which offered free health check-ups at Mpanga SS and once we went to a neighbour village to immunize some local children.

Furthermore, I appreciated to see the work in the different departments in the YAWE clinic. I helped to digitalize some client‘s data sheets, I got informed about the different tests which can be made in the laboratory, I shared some health advices on the radio and I have often watched some clients passing in the doctor‘s room to treat a disease or to refill their so important medication.

On the other hand, I have loved to see how integration of the youth, mostly suffering from HIV, takes place in the vocational center or the brassband. In the bakery, the tailory or the hairdressing salon the young people get the chance to learn skills for a profession but also for life which enables them to live an independent life. After the vocational training they can work in a company or even run their own business which ensures their income.

Being at YAWE on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays afternoons means you are going to take the chance to hear the brassband playing. Youth with and without HIV make music, practise new songs, chat, laugh and spend a great time together. The band is a great testimony one of my favourite facts: music brings human together.

All in all, I have gained a large insight into the Youth And Women Empowerment organisation. I am looking forward to YAWE‘s dream coming true and extend the vocational center will be extended soon to offer more different profession trainings. Also, I am sure that YAWE can maintain the support of clients at home with the available resources. It is a very great foundation and I am happy to have experienced the passed three weeks.

Thank you very much for this opportunity, your welcoming way of life and all the interesting, funny and enriching moments I have spent with you. Webaale muno!


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